Wednesday, October 27, 2010

2010 football season

Cheer started out wet with a four hour long tryout session on a rainy day in August. I knew my girls were hooked when they wanted to go back for more. Needless to say the season of football FLEW. Two in cheer and one child in football had us on the run. Here are some of the many images I captured during the season. Enjoy.

Every touchdown the team scored the squad would do push-ups equal to the points they had. Their practices were on the same schedule as the football team. This was evident during their performances. The squads talent went from little or no experience to stunts and complex routines.

Freshman football was intense. I can view the game through a lens and see the emotion of each play. But if one were to ask for a recap I would have to use images as communication due to the lack of football vocabulary beyond offense, defense, fumble and a sack.

As this season ends I'm looking forward to what's on the agenda for next year!

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